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Power Automate - Building Flows

Create page in OneNote - how to add a HTML link into the page body?

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My flow is working great, including the creation of a OneNote page and adding HTML content to it.

OneNote seems to replace the url in the HREF attribute of the A tag in my html with a backslash.

The link just points to a file on SharePoint and is valid. I have tried several different url scheme formats, but none have made a difference:

Am I missing still another way?


  • Verified answer
    VincentVH Profile Picture
    VincentVH 27 on at
    Re: Create page in OneNote - how to add a HTML link into the page body?

    Solved it - inspecting the file in OneNote online revealed that the HREF attribute was constructed as


    -> The solution was to construe the html part in Power Automate without any quotes surrounding the HREF attribute, like so:

    <li><a href=https://(my_url)>title</a></li>
  • VincentVH Profile Picture
    VincentVH 27 on at
    Re: Create page in OneNote - how to add a HTML link into the page body?

    I've now spent more than an hour making sure my HTML is valid, and it is: it passes multiple online validators.

    Still, the contents of every HREF attribute is replaced with a simple backslash.

    The OneNote documentation specifies that the A tag is supported, so not sure what is wrong here?

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