Hi All
I have an MS Form that is used for reviews - in total there are 4 reviews that the user can select. When the user selects the review they are conducting the branching function in MS Forms takes the user to that set of questions for that particular review. One the review questions have been answered the form is submitted.
I need to do two things
1) capture the data
2) create a PDF that only incorporates the review that was selected
1) is it best to set up 4 lists (one for each review) so when a review is selected, completed and submitted it is saved in to that reviews List - if so how do I go about doing that or should I use just one list - there is a total of 105 questions over the 4 reviews so that's a lot of data.
2) How do I produce a PDF that only captures the review data that was selected - is there a way of using the review that the user has selected in MS Form as the trigger?
I could use 4 MS forms (one for each review) and set them all up separately and run it that way, I know how to do this and how to email the PDF to the user etc - but the reason to use one form with branching reduces the number of forms the staff have to use. Its like a one form fits all.
If anyone is able to give me some advice on this or indeed an alternative solution I would be very grateful.
Hopefully I have explained this well enough