Our CoPilot in CoPilot Studio has multiple topics related to a single subject. If we attempt to search for one of those topics and CoPilot finds several similar topics, GPT appears to be randomly selecting one of the topics to use instead of using the "Multiple Topics Matched" topic to give the user an option to choose the applicable topic.
Attached is a screenshot of what the Conversation Map shows us when this happens. In this scenario, the CoPilot selected "Phone - Voicemail-TS01: Add/change/Delete Voicemail" as the topic it continued with. Note: The topics in the screenshot are not always displayed in the same order. However, GPT always selects the first one displayed instead of displaying a list via the "Multiple Topics Matched" topic.
Some additional background: Earlier this week the "Multiple Topics Matched" function was working correctly. We noticed today that it was no longer working. We haven't made any changes to that topic.
Has anyone seen this happen before?