I have a custom connector. I have imported a GET sample like: “https://api.mydomain.com/routing/v1/routes?waypoints=49.0133618,8.4277972&waypoints=48.8950289,8.6715602”. I get the parameter “waypoints” with Type “string”, but I need the Type “array”.
I changed the type of “waypoints” to “array”. When I try to test the connector, it does not work, because I do not know the syntax, how to enter a value for an array of waypoints as a parameter.
I checked your page https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/custom-connectors/define-blank, but there is no explanation how to use the type “array”.
Can you please give me an example?
Thank you.
After 20 days I’m still waiting for an answer.
Thank you for your answer, but I cannot find anything on that page, which has something to do with my problem.
Again: I need an example for the Syntax for Type array In the Schema Property area for e.g. for two waypoints to test the action.
Here is what I´m doing:
In the custom connector I create a new action “CalculateRoute”.
Then I click on “Import from example” and with Verb GET and example https://api.mydomain.com/routing/v1/routes?waypoints=49.0133618,8.4277972&waypoints=48.8950289,8.6715602 I got the action and the parameters.
In the Schema Property area I changed the Type “string” to “array” for the parameter “waypoints”.
I test the action “CalculateRoute” and I type something like “{[49.0133618,8.4277972],[48.8950289,8.6715602]}” for waypoits:
I try a lot of things, but I get two kinds of errors:
Our github repo has multiple examples: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerPlatformConnectors
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