Actually i want to create a such flow where when im hiring candidates i want them to receive mails for the next 5 days each mail with different content each day and i want that flow to be manually trigger and then for the next 5 days i want that flow to be run. To achieve that i created a flow but im not able to define there names in the mails like 'Dear name'.
for ex: if i hire 2 candidates, then they'll get the mails fro the next 5 days each mail one day with there belonging names like for candidate 1, he should receive mails as 'Dear candidate name' , and for candidate 2 'Dear candidate 2'
i think im doing something wrong here, i tried to define names separately but still getting messed up when im running this flow.
does anyone know how to overcome from this issue, it would be great if someone help me! Thanks.
I assume this may have been resolved by now but if not then in my opinion you have gone about this in the wrong way.
If you are hiring people then I assume they are external to your company. Therfore why not start with a MS Form to gather their data like:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Then write this information to a Sharepoint List so it can be used for the process you want to perform later like the above.
If you decide you like the person and want to send them the daily qestions then have a YES/NO column set to NO, but when you select YES a flow will detect this change and start that process. Down the YES branch you could have five emails one after another with a delay of a day between them with the qestions you want to ask the candidate. You could also store the responces to the questions in the SharePoint List when thay are received.
However although the above is quite simplsitic you would need to account for weekends, hoildays and the like where you are from as coming from the UK, I would not want to have to answer emails to prespective employer at these times.
I am not going to be able to help you with the flow but I hope the above will assist.