I have a query regarding the collection of responses from Microsoft Forms using Power Automate, I am hoping someone may have come across this issue before and may have a possible solution?
My employer is a large organisation (10,000 + employees) and the staff need to complete a variety of online training and send declarations (to a generic email address) when they have done so. I want to automate this process as it is currently manual.
I have created a Microsoft form for the declaration and have built a flow in Power Automate
My issue is I am trying to work out how to set my power automate flow up so that the email comes from the person completing the forms own (work) email address (From Send as) to the generic email address. I can see that there is the possibility of creating/adding a generic email address (using admin permissions) to send the form from but I would prefer (if possible) if it could come from the persons email address
Does anyone know if this can be done quickly / easily given the size of the organisation? or know of any alternative options?
Thank you