Hi guys,
I face an issue with my flow.
The flow is triggered with the now GA PowerPages trigger and works fine.
Unfortunately I need to update something in oracle with the data passed from the webpage.
When my pages states error I get the following on the flow designer:
The trigger than shows the following error:
The error on the webpage:
Strange for me is:
What I tried so far:
Any suggestions?
Hi everyone,
I got the solution from the support and they change the default for a setting.
Until that error is fixed in the backend, one can do the following.
Go to the run only users section of that flow:
Currently the default is set to "Provided by run-only user". Set that value to your connection of choice and it should work fine.
The Product Team is going to change the default behavior, but for now the change needs to be done manually if you use the power pages trigger.