Hi, I'm new to writing flows and I have my current approval flow working but I need to add a follow up email based on the expiration date. So, I have emails going on for approval and once it is approved. The document expires 30 days after it is posted and I want to send an email to the creator to take the document down on the expiration date. So far, it sends the email immediately. Does anyone know how I can send the last email 30 days after the flow is created?
I do not understand how this message is relevant to this discussion.
Does anyone know how to send first email alert after 30 days of validity expiry date and continues alert in 10 days duration until the validity renewed.
Entered correct ID and password - still no access. Who is behind this "crap?"
Unbelievable in this age. Cannot restore anything. And no e-mail for 30 days.
If the big ATT messed it up - correct it !! -----------Y.Anson-----
This is an example of a Send an email step! Just be careful you don't end up with that step inside a Apply to each step - then you may get a lot of emails 😄
Kind regards, John
Thanks @JohnAageAnderse. Would you mind sending me a sample of that step so I can see what you are talking about? That sounds like a fabulous idea. That is one thing I really need to work on is the context inside of the expressions. I'm really trying to master this because I have a lot of Flows I need to write for different departments within my company.
Thanks so much!
The whole expression is startOfDay(utcNow()) - so the (...) that you see in the snapshot, is (utcNow()).
utcNow() gives you today's date and time;
startOfDay(utcNow()) gives you today's date without time (or time is 00:00:00).
The above usage of startOfDay(...) assumes that your expiration date does not contain a time value (or time is 00:00:00)!
Tip! When I am unsure what values I am working with, I simply make a Send a mail step and puts the fields into the body, so I can see what the values are when I receive the e-mail.
Kind regards, John
Hey @JohnAageAnderse can you help me with what I put in the (...) for the expression. I want it to run once a day if the Expiration Date = Today. I would appreciate it. That is where my disconnect is coming, I'm lost on what to put inside the expressions.
Thanks @JohnAageAnderse very helpful! I was trying to figure it out and I was sinking! This helps a great deal. Love this community!
Quite allright! Just for your information about recurrent flows, here are some snapshots of one I have running weekly 🙂 Just so you get the idea.
Flow overview:
Details of the recurrence and get items steps:
How your Get Items Filter Query field could look like:
where the fx is the expression (assume in the above that your ExpirationDate is without time!):
Keep on trying! 🙂 Kind regards, John
Hi @JohnAageAnderse thanks for your suggestion. I thought of that but didn't quite know how to get it going. I'm new to Flow and am kind of learning on the fly (thank God for YouTube and Lynda.com!). I may try your suggestion and see if that works better.