I'm experiencing multiple BadGateway errors in Run Script connectors that normally work fine. This is usually a Microsoft server issue, not one that I can resolve locally. Please investigate.
I can't even save a flow.
Flow save failed with code 'MultipleErrorsOccurred' and message 'The dynamic operation request to API 'excelonlinebusiness' operation 'GetSingleScript' failed with status code 'BadGateway'. Error response: { "error": { "code": 502, "source": "flow-apim-msmanaged-na-eastus-01.azure-apim.net", "clientRequestId": "5300210c-3f1a-49bc-ad27-64509ee37e9e", "message": "BadGateway", "innerError": { "status": 502, "message": "The server experienced an issue and couldn't complete the request. Please try again in a few moments.\r\nclientRequestId: 5300210c-3f1a-49bc-ad27-64509ee37e9e", "error": { "message": "The server experienced an issue and couldn't complete the request. Please try again in a few moments." }, "source": "excelonline-cus.azconn-cus-001.p.azurewebsites.net" } } };The dynamic operation request to API 'excelonlinebusiness' operation 'GetSingleScript' failed with status code 'BadGateway'. Error response: { "error": { "code": 502, "source": "flow-apim-msmanaged-na-eastus-01.azure-apim.net", "clientRequestId": "5300210c-3f1a-49bc-ad27-64509ee37e9e", "message": "BadGateway", "innerError": { "status": 502, "message": "The server experienced an issue and couldn't complete the request. Please try again in a few moments.\r\nclientRequestId: 5300210c-3f1a-49bc-ad27-64509ee37e9e", "error": { "message": "The server experienced an issue and couldn't complete the request. Please try again in a few moments." }, "source": "excelonline-cus.azconn-cus-001.p.azurewebsites.net" } } }'.