Hi all,
I am trying to copy the files from SharePoint to the local desktop folder. please guide me which approach is better. power automate(cloud) or PAD ? Thanks in advance!
@@dataset: 'Communication site - https://sharepoint.com'
@@id: '/HR Documents'
@@connectionDisplayName: 'Cr8665f_shared_sharepointonline_55b5c933'
External.InvokeCloudConnector Connection: 'e6f1f68c-1c8b-4666-9ef7-deea7a4aa652' ConnectorId: '/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_sharepointonline' OperationId: 'ListFolder' @dataset: $'''https://sharepoint.com''' @id: $'''/HR Documents''' @ListFolderResponse=> ListFolderResponse
LOOP FOREACH CurrentItem IN ListFolderResponse
@@dataset: 'Communication site - https://sharepoint.com'
@@id: '%CurrentItem.Id%'
@@connectionDisplayName: 'Cr8665f_shared_sharepointonline_55b5c933'
External.InvokeCloudConnector Connection: 'e6f1f68c-1c8b-4666-9ef7-deea7a4aa652' ConnectorId: '/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_sharepointonline' OperationId: 'GetFileContent' @dataset: $'''https://sharepoint.com''' @id: CurrentItem.Id @inferContentType: True @GetFileContentResponse=> GetFileContentResponse
File.ConvertFromBinary BinaryData: GetFileContentResponse File: $'''C:\\Users\\Documents\\Captcha\\%CurrentItem.Name%''' IfFileExists: File.IfExists.DoNothing
This use case comes with cloud actions and if we copy our code and paste here it wouldn't work as like other code.
You can follow the below actions and in case of any queries please let me know we will assist you on the same.
Deenuji Loganathan 👩💻
Power Automate Desktop Community Champion 🤖
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Hi @Sayan ,
Great to hear! If it works mark it as a solution so it will help others in future.
Vishnu Reddy
Please follow the @VishnuReddy1997 suggested link and let me know if you encounter any issues.
Hi @Sayan ,
Please follow the below link.
(Note:- if you got your solution you can mark as solution and gives kudos)
Thanks & Regards
Vishnu Reddy
Hey @Deenuji
while using "Get file content" I am facing an issue that the File Identifier field does not take the Dynamic value it gives error that bad request.
Are you passing the value dynamically or selecting from dropdown. can you please share the screenshot.
Getting Error:
Sayan Patra
RPA Developer