The execution of template action 'Apply_to_each' failed: the result of the evaluation of 'foreach' expression '@triggerOutputs()?['body/resourceData/responseId']' is of type 'Integer'. The result must be a valid array.
Try to complete a simple get Forms responses and send an email based on the individual responses.
Hey All - I think I got it by adding the grouping of questions twice.
@eric-cheng & @Pstork1 >> Thanks again for the help! The data is pulling in correctly now. I do have one other issue, I have a question that if answered "No" and then one or both of the follow up questions are answered "Yes" it should all be a true statements. However if the first question is answered "No" and both follow up questions are "No" I need the statements to be false (go to the no side).
Any thoughts? Here is a screen shot -
The trigger for MS Forms doesn't include the answers to the questions. To do that you need to use the Response ID to get the response details. As I mentioned in my original reply that used to require the use of an apply to each loop. It no longer does, but it does require two actions. See the screenshot below for an example.
Hi @FreddyD07 ,
Can you go to your trigger settings and ensure Split On is set to On.
Then delete and re-add the trigger and Get Response Details action. Refer to the screenshot in my earlier post. No loops required.
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Just to add a little more information - I have a 10-ish question Form that I am trying to have PowerAutomate check against the answers (all yes or now with a few add dates in). Based on the Yes/No answers, it emails a particular group. I cannot even get it to check the list of answers that it is pulling. Thanks again for any assistance.
Here is a screenshot -
Appreciate all the responses and guidance.
You are probably looking at an old example on the Internet. The trigger for MS Forms originally supplied the forms to the flow as a collection of recently submitted forms. The trigger was later changed to fire for each individual form. So you don't need a for each loop to access the Response ID for the form to get the details. You can access that dynamic content directly.
Hi @FreddyD07 ,
Can you share a screenshot of your flow? You shouldnt need expressions to get the responses from a submitted form.
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