I am trying to learn how to use webhooks with Flow, but I cannot get it to work. I have looked for videos or tutorials online – and searched this forum - but found none that shows me step by step what to do. At least not in the most basic way that allows me to do it (wat trigger to start with, how do I get the URL I need etcetera).
The solution is for a system where we create forms and can set either an outgoing or incoming webhook. When we complete a form, I wish to trigger a Flow. In a second step I could see a use for having an incoming webhook and sending data to the system in question. But for now more than happy to just get step 1 to work.
Hi @Who
There are a few ways of achieving this depending on how you are planning on implementing your solution and how much control you have over the form page where the submission is coming from.
Option 1 is to make use of a Custom Connector.
Custom Connector overview can be found here
Details on how to implement a Webhook trigger in your Custom Connector can be found here
Option 2 is to use the HTTP Request Trigger
Whilst this isn't necessarily a webhook as such, it does allow you to very easily generate a url that you can pass data to (I tend to prefer a JSON object in the body of the request) and then process within the Flow.
Details on this trigger can be found here
Your URL will be automatically generated when the Flow is first saved. When defining the body data I find its a lot easier to create a structured example like the below first, and then pasting this in as a sample response to generate the schema (see screenshot).
{ "variableA":"valueA", "variableB":true, "variableC":200 }
All of your values within your JSON body will then be available as dynamic content.
Hopefully this helps you get started.