Hi All,
Is there a way to delete the parts of the flow you don't need?
I copied an approval flow that previously required 6 approvers, the new one only has 4. I want to delete those 2 approvers in the middle but keep the end where it updates everything.
I don't see an option to delete.
I don't need the Approval 5 or 6 (6 is hidden right now) But I would like to keep what comes after it.
Thanks in Advance
Kathy Mason
@kmason Press the 3 little dots, top right of the flow step and the option is in that menu.
Click on the 3 dots at the top right of the step and select delete. If it's greyed out then it means something further down depends on it.
Los Gallardos
@kmason :
As @RobElliott has mentioned, the option to delete an action will not be available if the output of that action is referenced anywhere below it in the Flow. So, if in a subsequent action, you select anything from Dynamic properties from the action that you would like to delete, the option to delete will not be available.
I suggest that you start at the bottom of your Flow and take a look at each action. Remove any references to the action to be deleted. Once they are all removed, you'll be able to delete the action.
Hi @RobElliott
It doesn't give me the option to delete the step. When I right click on it, there is no Delete listed. Am I missing something?
The basic rule to keep in mind is that if something in the step is referenced further down then you can't delete it or rename it. So look through the flow and make sure that the steps you want to delete don't have anything further down dependent on them. Once that's done you should be able to delete them quite happily.
Los Gallardos