Select only one file from OneDrive Business
Hi All,
Thanks very much for the answers. Here is a bit of clarification (
I have the following files under a OneDrive folder:
I want to select one file from this directory - e.g. "Monthly Report-Windows.xlsx"
Once I select this one file, I will get its name and content bytes stored in variables to use in a Graph API call:
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
"name": "Monthly Report-Windows.xlsx",
"contentBytes": "R0lGODdhEAYEAA7"
In another step, I will do the same, but for another file - e.g. "Monthly Report-Linux.xlsx", and then get its name and content bytes, use those in another Graph API call. The reason for this is to satisfy the business requirement as I mentioned before - one customer receives only one report, therefore there will be different Graph API calls for each customer:
- Customer A > Monthly Report-Windows.xlsx
- Customer B > Monthly Report-Linux.xlsx
- Customer C > Monthly Report-Mac.xlsx
Hope it's clear now.
Thanks much!