I'm trying to remove "reminders" from an Outlook calendar to Google calendar flow but cannot find the action within the "create an event" option. Normally, I am able to edit all of the details within an event creation, except for this one. within any of the flows publicly available, I've opened the advanced options on the very last action within the decision tree and it doesn't list a "reminders" row to edit. When this flow is running it seems to default to 1hr reminders for all events that are synced. I've added photos below of the action in question and an example of the item in question available in another flow. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi @andrewbrown,
Do you want to create an event via Create an event action without setting Reminder to None?
It seems that we are currently not able to configure Reminder as “none-reminder” using flow.
You could consider to submit an idea at Flow Ideas Forum about “none-reminder” issue:
Also you could vote for the similar ideal in the forum below, so it might be considered for future releases:
Or you could consider setting Reminder to "0" so that event will only send reminders at the beginning.
Best Regards,