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Count values from JSON

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Posted on by 69
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to get devices from Intune via a API Call and want to count the returrned devices.
I successfully get the devices via the API Call.
I then parse the JSON from that API Call output to retrieve the devicename and id (needed later in the flow).
Now I want to count the returned devices and set a variable based on the count, say:
returned device=0 devices found, var=0
returned devices =1 device found, var=1
returned devices > 1, var=more devices found

My next idea was to convert the object returned from the API Call to an array and then count that, but I didn't get this working either.
Can someone help me with this?
  • Verified answer
    ebels Profile Picture
    ebels 69 on at
    Count values from JSON
    Thanks for you help.
    I converted the JSON to an array and then count the entries within the array to check, how many devices where returned from the API call.
  • ebels Profile Picture
    ebels 69 on at
    Count values from JSON
    If I check the length of the odata.count then there would be no difference between 0 devices found and 1 device found, correct?
    But I need to check if there was 0, 1 or multiple devices found.
  • Chriddle Profile Picture
    Chriddle 7,305 on at
    Count values from JSON
    If it's just about counting the value length, this is already mentioned in the response:
    Just use it from the Dynamic Content
    If you don't trust this, use the length function:
  • ebels Profile Picture
    ebels 69 on at
    Count values from JSON
    Hi  @Chriddle,
    here's the output of the API Call:
      "@odata.context": "$metadata#deviceManagement/managedDevices(id,deviceName)",
      "@odata.count": 1,
      "value": [
          "id": "43912cba-0dcc-4794-b166-60ba7d50b01a",
          "deviceName": "my-test-device"
  • Chriddle Profile Picture
    Chriddle 7,305 on at
    Count values from JSON
    I am pretty sure you can do this with 1 expression using xpath().
    But to tell you more, I need an example of the api response.

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