It's taking at least a minute to load a previously created flow or create a new one. Loading error status' take up to five minutes to load each click. This is making Flow basically unusable as the wait time is painful. It's like the service is just short of resources and needs a swift kick.
Anyone else noticing the same issues?
Flow is very slow for the larger business process automation and we cant even add more than 500 actions in one flow.
Also if you split the flows then remember for every nested flow call you are paying the cost for it because of the "Premium connectors" actions.
I request Microsoft to focus on the peformance of the flow in development mode and make flow to respond quickly and make developement faster otherwise Flow can not be used for larger bots applciations and automations.
As the size of flow gets bigger and bigger, the page becomes unresponsive. Can someone help here
Thank you for your patience, the connection would also affect the loading speed. Maybe it's also related to that.
It seems to be much faster now/today.
We are working on the performance of loading the flow. It should be faster for the second time loading.