This is the error I get:
When trying to import a flow that contains an action to run a script in an Excel workbook:
But no idea where I can find the property 'ScriptParameters' and how to set it to one if its defined enum values?!?!
In the original Flow, if you click on the three dots icon for more options and then Peek code, does it contain something like "ScriptParameters": {}? If so, you should recreate the Run Script action in the original Flow and then export it again. Peek code should show that "ScriptParameters": {} no longer exists.
If you don't have access to the Flow or that doesn't work, you can modify the exported zip file. From the zip, open Microsoft.Flow/flows/{some id}/definition.json. There should be a section there called "Run_script". In that section, delete the "ScriptParameters": {} data. Also delete the preceding comma to ensure the file format is still valid. I've highlighted what should be deleted from a similar file I created. You can copy and paste the file contents into to make the file more readable.
Hey @GeoffRen ,
>> These bugs are usually resolved by just manually recreating the Run Script action.
Yeah, but to be able to do that, you first need to be able to import the flow, and that's just the process that's complaining about the ScriptParameters.
The exported flow contains an action to run a script in Excel, and when I try to import that flow, it gives that error.
Sorry for the late update! The script seems fine. There are known issues with importing Flows with the Run Script action which will hopefully be ironed out in the future. Though usually the bug is a permissions error.
Your bug seems like the import process had the null parameter type get translated incorrectly to the UI. These bugs are usually resolved by just manually recreating the Run Script action. Are you able to do that?
@GeoffRen : the script in the Code Editor in the Excel is this rather simple script:
Could you provide the script? It seems there's some parameters in the script that aren't playing nicely.