Having problems doing even the simplest of power flow. Followed the online manual and instructions to a T. First did it my way, then reverted back to do it exactly like how the manual online did. Still get the error in the Predict section, so I'm not even sure how it will function in parsing the JSON template provided online, or in the apply to each section.
My first errors were no base64 encode. The manual did say to surround base64 encode with () vs string(), so I wrapped as such.
Here is the code I am currently using in Predict, followed by screenshots.
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
as you can see, the base64 I made a dynamic function. As said before, I was getting the base64 encode error? as I was just using string() as the dynamic function.
Hi @Anonymous
Can you check this post here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ai-builder/flow-text-recognition
You can see that the "base64encoded" : string() is the correct format to pass as the parameters. Note that if you are passing the json payload, it needs to have a proper key and value that is not being passed in our flow. Also, you can get rid of the 'D' from the parse json. It is not the correct way to pass the argument.
The error is at the predict action only and should be resolved if you follow the above.
Hope this Helps!
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