I got below error message when trying the subject above. Can somebody help?
The Mail connector is currently restricted for new tenants. Microsoft is working on enabling this connector. In the meantime, please consider using alternatives like Office 365 Outlook, Gmail, SendGrid connector instead.
Same error. I only get it with Mail connector.
Though I can see you are definitely making a mistake in the above flow. You have already added an email id and after that you are adding another email id. If you want to add two email ids in the To, you have to write a semi colon in between them.
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If the above didnt help, can you share the error please. [Screenshot]
Hi @Sundeep_Malik, I just tried my personal outlook and Gmail accounts instead of my org mail account. Same error. Could it be am doing something wrong.
Hey @a_bashir
I get the same error. I really dont know how to resolve it.
But you can try other email services, like gmail or outlook instead of Mail connector.