I need create flow reply value form excel online to post ms team
Ex. Input value "A" to chat
Flow automate start searh keyword "A"
Found value "A" next step get value in row A form excel reply post ms team
Ex. Result
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@trice602 The data I enter and want to search is a combination of numbers and letters, not sure if such flow can work or not. Because your example uses all numbers. For example, "AB12-4567".
Thank you for support @trice602
Error clear ,i'm not choose message id
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I have more questions on the Filter Array part, not sure where we can find the "content" variable.
Hi @BigChao ,
I got that error the first time also. Make sure you are selecting the MessageId in the Get Message action. Always glad to help! Tom
Here's the high-level summary of the flow and adaptive card. Always glad to help! Tom
Hi @BigChao ,
Here you go! Please mark as a solution! Always glad to help! Tom
Ok, in my test, I have an Excel table with a table of data, similar to what you are looking for.
Here's the entire flow.
The next step is to Parse JSON from the Get Message Detail action. You can copy the JSON and paste it into the Generate from sample by clicking the button.
Next you list rows present in a table (self-explanatory) and then you need to use Filter Array. That's because we need to find the record from the Teams message. In my example, I am looking up the work order number or an ID number in the ID_No column in my Excel table.
Next I Parse JSON from my Filter Array so I can use downstream. That's so I can paste the actual values returned in my Filter Array from my Excel table row for a given ID#.
The last step is to reply with an adaptive card
You can get some sample card ideas here: Types of cards - Teams | Microsoft Learn
Here's a view of my Excel result variables that I am using in my adaptive card message response:
And this is what my card looks like. Granted my adaptive card is ugly and I spent ZERO time on it but wanted to get the automation working to return the Excel row for the query. In this example, the end-user typed in the message 12345 and it returned this row from Excel.
Please mark as a solution! Always glad to help! Tom 🤖