Related below:
Flow can't read Google News RSS feeds now.
I'm getting the Internal Error 500 when trying to pick up my website news feed. Anyone have any idea how to resolve it?
Hi taz,
for that rss, I also got the rss update content.
<a href=""><b><b>マイクロソフト</b>、札幌市で高齢者対象の自己健康管理システムの実証実験</b></a><br><font size="-1"><b><font color="#6f6f6f">マイナビニュース</font></b></font><br><font size="-1">札幌市立大学、AVCテクノロジー、コーポレーション・ミヤ、日本<b>マイクロソフト</b>は7月8日、高齢者の自己健康管理をICTで支援するシステム「もっと E-KURASHI(仮)」を共同で開発し、2017年の一般サービス開始を目指して、札幌市内の高齢者を対象とした「シニアの自己健康管理 ...</font><br><font size="-1">....
Could you retry on your side?
Hi taz,
Could you try other rss source? Currently I'm using your rss and the action "when the feed item is updated", but it's timed out. For your error, it's seems not time out. Then I use, it works for me.
Hi telu,
I re-create flow yesterday.
It works fine yesterday.
But It fails now...
Hello taz,
Do you still encountered the problem? recently we are fixing the rss connection with uri encode issue. Could you recreate the flow with a new rss connection to see if the problem still there?