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How to split a text using 'delmiter _'

Posted on by 24
I have an expression from which I need to extract a specific value using the delimiter '_'.
The extracted text is:-
And the text we need to extract from it is only '1'.
How would anyone be able to do it?
  • Suggested answer
    eetuRobo Profile Picture
    eetuRobo 1,801 on at
    How to split a text using 'delmiter _'
    Better way might be to use Parse text -action to just get the number without needing to split it into a list. So you get the number with just one action when using regex that finds the number between underscore and .pdf

    Text to find (regex): (?<=_)\d+(?=\.pdf)
    Is regular expression 
    Toggled on

    Then Match variable has the number inside it:

    If you want to do this with split action:
    Change "Delimeter type" to be "Custom" and then add to "Custom delimeter field "_" like so:
    Then you get [Split, 1.pdf]
    Then you could use replace on the second item on the list which s %TextList[1]% and text to find .pdf and replace with %''% (empty string)
    Result is 1
  • Suggested answer
    How to split a text using 'delmiter _'
    Use split() Function:
    First, split the text by the _ delimiter, which will give you an array with two elements: "Split" and "1.pdf".
    Use another split() to remove .pdf
    Then split the second part "1.pdf" using the . delimiter to extract the value 1.
    split(split('Split_1.pdf', '_')[1], '.')[0]

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