Good afternoon,
I have a number of MS Power Automate flows that use the Excel 'Run Script' step. I have had no issues with this before, some of which have been running daily for months.
I came into work this morning to see that any flow I had with the Excel 'Run Script' steps in them had all failed with the error 'BadGateway'.
I have tested everything I can think of, from creating a new test script that just inputs a string into a cell and calling it from a brand new manually triggered flow on a workbook with nothing but a tiny test table in it. I can confirm its on the 'Run Script' steps that are failing, I created a test flow that deletes a row using the step 'Delete A Row' and that ran without any issues.
Is there any know issues with this step at the moment? Searching only brought up 'Solved: Excel Run Script - 502 Bad Gateway - Power Platform Community (' which is over a year old.