Hi does anyone know how to tell Power Automate to check if an item exists in a SharePoint list and then update the remaining columns of the list accordingly?
I have a SharePoint list where it will record all the responses of users' training details via MS Form:
Date of form submission
Participant Name
Course Name
Course Provider
Course Address
Approval Status
Post Course Achievement
Flow in brief:
It seems that the flow is looking for Column "Course222" but i am checking for the data "Course222" in column "Course Name".
Everything works until the point on the identification part. How to link the post response to the initial response so that the post course achievement can be updated?
I have already tried to connect the post response course name = initial response course name and
post response name = initial response name
so that this can be the unique identifier to match.
But seems like it doesn't work.
Please advise. Thanks !
The Get Items or the flow?
Can you share what the flow was doing? in the Run.
Also btw, might have just been a typo, but in your description you mentioned Full Name as the column, nut in the query you just wrote Name
Just in case thats another possible issue
Hi @memento
Super close. If you have spaces in the column name you have to wrap it in brackets, just like a Column in SQL Server with spaces
[Course Programme] eq 'CourseABC' and Name eq ''
If I have helped you, I would really appreciate if you please Mark my answer as Resolved/Answered, and give it a thumbs up, so it can help others
Thank You
Michael Gernaey MCT | MCSE | MCP | Self-Contractor| Ex-Microsoft
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelgernaey
Hi @FLMike
Ok is this what you meant?
Course Programme is the column name
Full Name is the column name
and i am asking the flow to:
1. find in the column Course Programme if there is any Course Name that is responded from the post training form
(for example if Course Programme is 'CourseABC' and it is the same in the post training form, then it will match the row)
2. find in the column Full Name if there is any Full Name that is responded from the post training form
(for example if Full name is 'ABC' and it is the same in the post training form, then it will match the row)
Because it needs to be dynamic since there will be multiple participants with different post course achievements.
so if CourseABC + NameABC, update his post course achievement stated in the post form in the Sharepoint List.
if Course123 + Name123, update his post course achievement stated in the post form in the Sharepoint List.
(Note: The Course Programme and Full Name already existed in the Sharepoint List previously when participant submitted the first form for approval.)
But error occurred:
Or is there a better way of doing this?
Hi @memento
Actually you aren't. You put in a Dynamic Property in your Filter, which will make it use a Value, not the Column name
Change your filter to be
ColumnName eq 'Value'
Not Dynamic Proeprty eq 'Dynamic Property'
Make sure that you use the Correct Name for the column. If you are unsure of its Name (not its label)
1. Go to the list
2. Click the Settings Cog and go to List settings
3. Click on the Column in thelist
4. Look at the URL and at the end will be the correct name for the column
Use that in your filter, NOT what you have
Change both of your Column Names and you should be good
If I have helped you, I would really appreciate if you please Mark my answer as Resolved/Answered, and give it a thumbs up, so it can help others
Thank You
Michael Gernaey MCT | MCSE | MCP | Self-Contractor| Ex-Microsoft
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelgernaey