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Power Automate - Using Flows
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Dekstop Flow called from Cloud Flow remains in status Running

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Ι have a Cloud Flow that triggers with email and Runs a Desktop Flow which returns the expected result to the cloud flow.
Sometimes,  desktop flow remains in status Running even though has completed and returns to the cloud flow an internal server error:
"Encountered internal server error. The tracking Id is 'c7436acf-31d3-48be-859e-f069ffbd2eea'."
Desktop flow last step is:  STOP FLOW  and according to logs runs always successfully.
  • Suggested answer
    trice602 Profile Picture
    trice602 11,131 on at
    Dekstop Flow called from Cloud Flow remains in status Running
    In general you don't need a STOP FLOW action and may be the root cause.  Let the desktop flow return to the cloud flow and end normally.




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    Follow me on LinkedIn - Thomas Rice, PMP | LinkedIn

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