Our API has custom application types.
In addition We have the option of either an SML or JSON format. For example:
- application/vnd.whispir.message-v1+xml
- application/vnd.whispir.message-v1+json
I have specificed both of these as the produces and consumes on my endpoint methods, but there is no option to choose these when I'm testing my endpoints.
Is this a bug or is the practice to define an additional OPEN API file which is just for Flow to consume that specifies only a single value?
So they appear as custom parameters?
I think Accept works fine, however it seems content-type is still being forced to "application/json" rather than "application/vnd.api+json" which is what is needed to talk to the api.
You need to add a header paramter to your custom connector swagger file.
"parameters" : [ { "name" : "Accept", "in" : "header", "required" : true, "description" : "Application specific mime-type", "default" : "application/vnd.yourstuff-v1+json", "type" : "string", "enum" : [ "application/vnd.yourstuff-v1+json" ] }, ],
However, I also believe only JSON is supported anyway, so I lopped off our XML options and defaulted to JSON.
Hi Patrick,
Where in the flow creation step can you set the Content-Type? I cannot seem to find it.
I am going to answer my own question...
When in the Custom Connector wizard and in the TEST step, you cannot specify the Accept or Content-Type headers.
When you use your connector in an actual Flow you can.
Wanted to let you know what even when I remove the XML options fron Produces and Consumes, Flow does send those values.
Thanks for the reply @ashwinsa.
I see how this approach will work for endpoints with a single mime-type, but how will this work for endpoints which have more than one possible vendor specific mime-type.
I could remove the XML variants, but I will would still need a picker in the Custom Connector wizard to pick from the two json options.
For example:
"produces": [ "application/vnd.whispir.message-v1+json", "application/vnd.whispir.bulkmessage-v1+json", "application/vnd.whispir.message-v1+xml", "application/vnd.whispir.bulkmessage-v1+xml" ], "consumes": [ "application/vnd.whispir.message-v1+json", "application/vnd.whispir.bulkmessage-v1+json", "application/vnd.whispir.message-v1+xml", "application/vnd.whispir.bulkmessage-v1+xml" ],
Hi @Anonymous Flows support JSON only as the information exchange format from the endpoints that you have. Please modify the swagger to reflect JSON as the produces/consumes.