I have a problem connecting flow to Adobe Business Catalyst (BC). BC platform needs an extra Auth parameter of "version". It is frustrating that Flow does not allow this. Especially since the likes of GIthub, AWS and many other all require extra parameters.
This can be added but causes and issue with over encoding due to multiple ? in the url and then Flow says the Auth url do not match.
I have added having the ability to add extra parameters to a custom connector as a flow idea. But not sure when this would be implimented or if it ever will. Flow Idea here.
Can I get Adobe BC added to the list of identity providers and one extra parameter of version added?
Flow is great for connecting services but there are many it cannot because of this reason. Having big names in the identity provider list is great but often the reason why people need the like of Flow and Zapier is because they need to connect lesser know services on a budget.
Hi Alice,
YesI have setup a custom connector and it does connect. But there is a problem with the connection due to using a hack to add the extra Auth parameter of /api/oauth/authorize%3Fversion=0.1. You can see this in the screen capture.
So the app connects but when flow sends the authorization it looks something like this DOMAIN/api/oauth/authorize%3Fversion=0.1?clientID=........ You can see the two query strings question marks %3F And ?(one has to be encoded to work at all). The other server interperates this as two query string and so encodes the second part twice eg. %25%25. This causes a mismatch in the authorization and when you make a post it fails. Which is how it should work for security. In a normal authorization there should only be one query. But flow does not seem allow us to add parameters like version=0.1 any other way. The Adobe BC server cannot be altered to allow for the mismatch and probably should not even if it could be, as this would not be to Oauth 2.0 Specs.
So I am left with trying to get it to the Flow team to help by adding Adobe BC to the provider or allowing aditional parameters or finding another way. Zapier is an option but I would like to use flow as I use O365 and can see benifits of Flow. It looks like there are many API that require extra parameters and would not be able to be connected using Flow unless in the providers list.
Even if all flow does it to collect the extra parameter like from the Auth string and append it to the end of the query it sends with only one question mark. I have seem this done by another API to allow adding of parameters.
This DOMAIN/api/oauth/authorize%3Fversion=0.1?clientID=........ to DOMAIN/api/oauth/authorize?clientID=.......version=0.1
Please if there is another way, I would love to know. Else I would love this feature added to flow.
Hi @ digitalfuel,
Could please share a screenshots of the configuration of your flow ?
Do you create a custom connector to connect to Adobe Business Catalyst ?
Now that you have submit the idea to Flow Ideas Forum , this feature might be considered for future releases of Microsoft Flow.
Alice Zhang