I have a flow that has about 10 recent "Failed checks" where the OneDrive trigger (when a file is created in OneDrive for Business) failed. In these cases, I cannot retry the flow, and I have no way of knowing which file it was, other than possibly using the timestamp of the failure. The specific error was inner exception: The remote name could not be resolved: 'mytenant-my.sharepoint.com'. Any ideas on how to re-run?
Thanks for the reply. No, the resubmit button is not available. However, after further checking, I think these flows may have initially failed due to a network error, but then run during the retries. Is this possible, since I found them in a filtered list called "Failed Checks, " not "Failed Runs"?
Hi @Runner55552 ,
Does this resubmit button show up in your flow run history? If yes, you can click it to re-try the failed run.
If no, then you have to find the specific file using time stamp and try again.
Best Regards,
Hen Wang