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How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?

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Hi all,

I need help understanding how to set up a specific feature in Copilot Studio. Here’s what I want to achieve:

  1. Ask a Question: I want my Copilot to ask the user a question and have them respond in their own words.
  2. Match the Response: I want Copilot to compare the user's response to a list of five summarized answers from a knowledge article. To clarify - The users input (in their own words) will not exactly match the five summarised answers. I would like the copilot to work it out.
  3. Confirm Understanding: Based on the comparison, I want Copilot to confirm back to the user what it believes they are saying.

I'm struggling with how to implement this in Copilot Studio and would appreciate any guidance.


Thank you!

  • Verified answer
    Artur Stepniak Profile Picture
    Artur Stepniak 1,359 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?
    great, then I guess it's solved. If you could mark all the replies that've helped you as solutions, I'd be grateful - it helps others to find the necessary information.
    Best regards,
  • WE-06081548-0 Profile Picture
    WE-06081548-0 14 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?
    Thanks Artur,  Yes your probably right.. i have gone down the rabbit hole on this.  You have brought me back up!
    Yes, i have been using the designer and AI does a great job of creating the json also which is a huge timesaver.
  • Suggested answer
    Artur Stepniak Profile Picture
    Artur Stepniak 1,359 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?
    You can use this designer to prepare the card: 
  • Suggested answer
    Artur Stepniak Profile Picture
    Artur Stepniak 1,359 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?
    understood! From my experience - sometimes it's just better to stick to simple solutions. :-) I'd suggest you to use a question - when someone would continue the development on your solution, he/she would need to know about adaptive card design, how to parse the response etc. If it's worth to do it, because the user experience is a lot better, then it's okay, but otherwise I think you're just wasting your precious time. ;-)
    If you'd still like to use an adaptive card, here's an example:
    I've used this JSON for the card:
        "type": "AdaptiveCard",
        "body": [
                "type": "TextBlock",
                "text": "Please select an option:",
                "weight": "Bolder",
                "size": "Medium"
                "type": "Input.ChoiceSet",
                "id": "choiceSet",
                "style": "expanded",
                "choices": [
                        "title": "Option 1",
                        "value": "1"
                        "title": "Option 2",
                        "value": "2"
                        "title": "Option 3",
                        "value": "3"
        "actions": [
                "type": "Action.Submit",
                "title": "Submit"
        "$schema": "",
        "version": "1.3"
    You'd need to manipulate choiceSet value variable in the condition statement.
    In case of any other questions, let me know. If the answer helped you, mark it, so that others can benefit from it.
    Best regards,
    Artur Stepniak
  • WE-06081548-0 Profile Picture
    WE-06081548-0 14 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?
    Hi Artur,
    Well, i have ended up down this path as a result of trying to make things look a little more appealing.
    I thought that was what adaptive cards could therefore be used for?
    Thanks for your contribution so far! :)
  • Suggested answer
    Artur Stepniak Profile Picture
    Artur Stepniak 1,359 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?
    first things first - why are you using an adaptive card? Doesn't question suit your needs? You could use a question and then use a list of choices. It'll automatically create conditions for each one.
    Let me know how it goes. :-)
    Best regards,
    Artur Stepniak 
  • WE-06081548-0 Profile Picture
    WE-06081548-0 14 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?

    Thank you for your help so far. I've decided to provide the user with a set of choices and then output a message based on their selection. However, I'm having trouble getting it to work correctly. It's likely I'm making a basic mistake, but it's been a long week!

    In the attached document, you can see my initial question along with one condition beneath it. I originally created five conditions, one for each of the A-E answers listed here for demonstration. (not shown here)

    I assume i need a condition for each selection A-E but when i had this configured the individual conditions did not trigger. I kept getting the same answer despite having conditions for each with different answers.

    What should each condition say to output a different response? Whatever I select doesn't seem to give me the correct answer, but as I mentioned, it's been a long week!


    Thanking you!

  • Suggested answer
    Artur Stepniak Profile Picture
    Artur Stepniak 1,359 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?
    Yep, you're doing it correctly. :-)
  • Harish Purohit Profile Picture
    Harish Purohit 17 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?
    Create a topic and select "Ask a Question " option
  • Suggested answer
    Artur Stepniak Profile Picture
    Artur Stepniak 1,359 on at
    How can i get my copilot to do this through studio?
    there are currently two options you can test out:
    1. Use Generative orchestration ( - that way you'd speak with a chatbot like with chatGPT and you can try to instruct it in the system prompt to perform like that and use topics to ask a question.
    2. Use classic approach - that way you need to define a topic with trigger phrases, so that it'll run when someone tells a word or a phrase and implement the logic like: question, comparison of user's response etc.
    For overall guidance on how to create topics and what you can use, you can check out docs:
    Worth to note: the first approach is still in preview. :-)
    In case of any other questions, let me know. If the answer helped you, mark it, so that others can benefit from it.
    Best regards,
    Artur Stepniak

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