Need assistance is getting a flow for this scenario:
When an item is Created in my List it triggers a New Folder in Documents with the same Title.
If my List Name is Client Frog, create a new folder called Client Frog (Documents/Client Frog) in Documents.
Next get the file properties of "Client Folder and Subfolder Structure" (a separate library) and create a new Folder Structure under Client Frog in Documents (Document/Client Frog/xxx). I am looking to remove the 2nd Folder in the path "Client Folder and Subfolder Structure" so only the subfolder like /Application Documentation, /Archive, /DataWatch/IT/2024/Jan would end up directly under Client Frog.
Below is my library structure I am referencing is. I want to continue to reference this library since I will be adding more folders with year and month. I will also be adding other new folders at the 2nd and 3rd levels that are not yet known. Here is the library structure to date.
Client Folder and Subfolder Structure
/Application Documentation
/License and Warranties
I am looking for this folder structure