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Custom Form - Dropdowns with dynamic content from variables

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So I currently have 3 Message Boxes which in turn have 3 dropdowns that change dynamically based on which choice I pick in the previous message box. If the user in the first Message box dropdown selects 1, the second message box shows the choices 1A, 1B, 1C. If the user selects 2 it shows 2A, 2B, 2C and so on.
However. This isn't a very good experience since the user might change his mind on the second or third step.. But then those Message Boxes are gone.
I would love the ability to send variables to the Custom Form, so I can create a form containing all three dropdowns on one Message Box instead of having to break them down into several. I also would like to have to possibility to dynamically show different parts of the form depending on checkboxes for example.
I know both of these ideas are impossible right now (because I've explored A LOT)... But, can't you like... Do something about it? :)
  • CU28111537-0 Profile Picture
    CU28111537-0 4 on at
    Custom Form - Dropdowns with dynamic content from variables
    Hey Denuuji,
    Your suggestion is basically exactly how I have done it. Couldn't figure out a better way to do it unfortunately. It would be great if the custom form-functionality could get some love in the coming updates thought. :)
    I actually posted this more as a suggestion than a question, because I didn't find the suggestion/ideas-part of the page until after I posted it. :)
  • Suggested answer
    Deenuji_Loganathan_ Profile Picture
    Deenuji_Loganathan_ 6,087 on at
    Custom Form - Dropdowns with dynamic content from variables
    I understand your issue, but unfortunately, that's a limitation of the custom form. Creating a single form with three dropdowns that have dependent logic isn't possible right now.
    Alternatively, you could create separate custom forms, each with one dropdown. After a user makes a selection, you can read the values and then display the relevant dropdown accordingly. This would require managing the logic with if-else conditions. I know it's not the most user-friendly solution and it requires more effort, but there aren't other options available at this time.
    Deenuji Loganathan 👩‍💻
    Power Automate Desktop Community Champion 🤖
    Follow me on LinkedIn 👥

    If I've helped solve your query, kindly mark my response as the solution ✔ and like my suggestion ❤️  Your feedback supports future seekers 🚀

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