Does anyone know the correct usage for Excel connections?
When I use Excel actions on 2 different Excel workbooks at the same time, should I use 1 or 2 Excel connections?
When I use Excel actions on 2 different Excel workbooks sequentially, should I use 1 or 2 Excel connections?
Is this the same for SharePoint Lists?
Thanks much!
Hi Anna,
Yes that answers my question. I can work with multiple Excel workbooks in 1 flow with 1 Excel connection.
I often get "invalid connections". Connections which contain references to deleted flows. I found I have to delete my connections and re-create them. I didn't know if I was using them correctly.
Thank you,
Hi @danielmill
Thank you for posting.
According to your description, you are confused about connections to several excel files.
When I use Excel actions on 2 different Excel workbooks at the same time, should I use 1 or 2 Excel connections?
When I use Excel actions on 2 different Excel workbooks sequentially, should I use 1 or 2 Excel connections?
If you are using excel actions on different excel files within one flow, you just need to use 1 excel connections. We can do a simple test to ‘list rows’ from two different excels. Once we run this flow, only one connection showing up as you can see below.
Is this the same for SharePoint Lists?
All connectors are similar. As long as they are inside of one flow, no matter how many times the excel action appears, it only counts as one connection.
But if you are talking about counting connector API calls, it depends how many steps you configured within flow. Normally, each step(action) is counter as 1. Any steps in a loop, would run the number of times the loop runs. So if 5 steps in a loop and the loop runs 5 times, then that is 25 steps equal to 25 API calls.
Hope the content above may help you.
Best regards,