EMPID | EmpName | EMPCountry | EmpSalary |
1 | Tarun | INDIA | 100 |
2 | Alex | US | 300 |
3 | John | UK | 200 |
currently we are reading the same values in power automate using the compose action after skipping the first row and splitting the data rows from the second row using comma(",") based on column Index 0,1,2 etc..
"EMPID": "@{outputs('splitByComma')?[0]}",
"EMPName": "@{outputs('splitByComma')?[1]}",
"EMPCountry": "@{outputs('splitByComma')?[2]}",
"EmpSalary ": "@{outputs('splitByComma')?[3]}",
Some the csv file may have the same columns names but in the different order like below
EmpName | EmpSalary | EMPID | EMPCountry |
Tarun | 100 | 1 | INDIA |
Alex | 300 | 2 | US |
John | 200 | 3 | UK |
so I need a way to get the cell values using Column Headers instead of column Index in Power Automate
Any suggestion or approaches please.
Thanks in Advance,
There is a part of this template flow where I take in the header names for an existing Excel file, index them, & match them to my input column header names. You may be able to find some inspiration or something you can use from it.