The Exchange connection in Power Automate does not seem to support connecting to M365 particularly when MFA is required.
Did I miss anything?
Maybe pass this guide to your IT department and see what they come back with. Link. It all depends on what policies have already been setup and whether they are preventing access/sign on to cloud serviced from outside the network or from unapproved devices.
Thanks @eric-cheng
That feels like a non-starter for end users that are not admins, which seems like what Power Automate is designed for.
Ideally, the component should be updated to support AAD authentication with full support for MFA.
Better yet if it would support the Windows auth manager, so it could benefit from the accounts already logged in in apps like Mail and Edge.
Hi @fpintos ,
You can create a conditional access policy in Azure AD to exclude the account running your flow from MFA for the IP addresses specific to your region.
Check out this article for a step by step. You will need to be either a global admin, security admin or conditional access admin access.