I have a workflow that needs to check if the person in the people picker field is present in a separate list's people picker field.
I have been trying to create the oData filter all day, but I keep getting failures.
Name of the field in list #2 is 'Responder Name' or Responder_x0020_Name.
Name of the field in list #1 is 'Individual Requested'
My odata query is below. The dynamic value is the Individual Requested Email from List #1.
query is Responder_x0020_Name/Email eq DYNAMIC VALUE 'Individual Requested Email'
Power Automate is not accepting the field name from table 2 in the odata query.
Can someone help me determine why the odata filter is not working and how the field from table 2 is to be identified?
FYI - I tried using the beta version of odata query creator, but that will not allow a people picker field to be selected from either list.
It was funny. If I used items()?['Responder_x0020_Name/EMail'], it worked for one side of the condition, but for the other side, I had to do a get items and filter array, to make it work.
There was NO DIFFERENCE between either side of the equation in relation to the lists in question, so I cannot explain why one side worked as an odata query, and the other side would not accept it.
Do you have single quotes here?
the quotes were set by Power Automate. I used the Dynamic value to fill in that part of the equation.
Responder_x0020_Name/EMail eq 'randomname@randomemail.ca'
Single quotes
Sorry that did not work. Still gave an error.
I cannot make this work. I have used the column internal name and ensured that I had capitals on the E and M in email, but I still get the error…
{The expression “Responder_x0020_Name/EMail eq “randomname@randomemail.ca” is not valid. Creating query failed.
clientRequestId: 820c8f90-634c-4b4f-954c-5903b36fc69b
serviceRequestId: 820c8f90-634c-4b4f-954c-5903b36fc69b}
I managed to successfully create the filter in one side of my Flow using item()?['Responder_x0020_Name/EMail'] , but when I switch to the other side, the same filter is not acceptable. This is very confusing, as it is the same list involved on both sides of the condition in the Flow.
Has Power Automate changed since you originally made this post? Have I missed something else? Do you have any ideas how I can fix this?
Person/EMail eq 'person@company.com'
'E' and 'M' are in uppercase.