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This problem might be related to licensing or configuration settings. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve the issue:
Check License Assignment: Ensure that the premium license is correctly assigned to your user account. You can do this by going to the Power Automate portal and checking your license status under "Settings" > "View My Licenses".
Clear Cache and Cookies: Sometimes, browser cache and cookies can cause issues with loading triggers. Try clearing your browser's cache and cookies, then restart your browser and try again.
Update Permissions: Make sure that your account has the necessary permissions to create and manage flows. You might need to contact your administrator to verify and update your permissions.
Check for Service Issues: There might be a temporary service issue affecting Power Automate. You can check the Power Platform Service Health page for any ongoing issues.
Contact Support: If the issue persists, you might need to open a support ticket with Microsoft. They can provide more detailed assistance and help resolve any underlying issues with your account or the service.
I hope these steps help you get back on track with building your automated flows!
If this fixes the issue, please mark as resolved to help others with find it.
Happy to help.
Robu 1