Hello Everyone,
I would like to create an automatic flow that sends an email 4 days before a worker has night shift in his/her schedule.
The flow will need to take the name of the worker from an excel file online ( Schedule). The schedule is built as follow:
rows: workers' name
columns: date
cell: shift ( Morning, Evening, Night)
Can anyone guide me through the requiered steps please?
Hello @Nived_Nambiar,
um the above flow is not working,
I believe its missing the variable that identify the person that has night shift in 4 days and to whom send the email no?
Hi @Fedegallo
Sorry for late response
See below
I have created a file like below
Flow designed is
Step 1: List all rows present in table to get all rows from the schedule file
Step 2: use compose action to get the date 4 days after current date in d/M/yyyy format (why i am using d/M/yyyy format is because my column name date is appearing in that format due to which i need to use that)
Expression used is :
Step 4: Loop through all items in the output of filter array & send email
here output variable (dynamic content) is the output of compose action
And bot will send an email like below
Hope it helps !
Mark it as solution if it resolves your query !
Hello @Nived_Nambiar
can you please send me a visual of the flow?
Hi @Fedegallo
Sorry for late response
I think you can try this way
1. List all rows in excel table
2. Filter the row with condition with date column having value 4 days after current date with value Night
3. The output of filter array would be having row of those who have night shift 4 days after today's date.
4. Now you can send them an email ☺️
Hope it helps
Mark it as solution if it resolve ur query!