I am trying to come up with a flow that can delete an item based on a Net ID(created by me) so not the ID that the SharePoint list creates. I have this flow, when item is created on list 1, it get items to list 2. and then I want to delete item on list 2 that is created on list 1.
any help is appreciated
Hi @dm10 ,
Please check the internal name of your 'dma38835' column in SharePoint List, and then fill in the internal name into the Filter Query.
Below is a link to view the internal name of the column:
🔍How to Find the Internal Name of a SharePoint Column – Ellis Karim's Blog
Best Regards,
Sunshine Gu
I keep getting this error
Hi @dm10 ,
I did a test for your reference.
In my scenario:
My Flow Overall Preview:
My Flow Configuration Parameters:
I am using a trigger 'When an item is created'.
NetID eq '@{triggerOutputs()?['body/NetID']}'
Best Regards,
Sunshine Gu