Just checking on this.
I have the following stored procedure:
SELECT 1 as One, 2 as Two
SELECT 'A' as Firstname, 'b' as lastname
When I use Execute Store procedure V2 in flow it only returns the first table in the ouputs as "Table1" never the second result table. This is fine and all I can just separate the second result and call again but I wanted to check does anyone know if Execute Store procedure V2 supports multiple resultset from stored procs?. It seems like it should as it says "Resultsets" in the output pane, wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong or needed a different license to get more than 1 result table returned from stored procedure. i tried to access "Table2" and got error saying it wasnt there. For example, maybe its named different and just not visible via the power automate debugging view (when you test and view raw output)
Just adding information the error I get is
'The template language expression 'body('dbo.test')?['resultsets']['Table2']' cannot be evaluated because property 'Table2' doesn't exist, available properties are 'Table1'. Please see https://aka.ms/logicexpressions for usage details.'.
When I use body('dbo.Test')?['resultsets']['Table1']' it works fine and result the result set table/row (1,2)