For your step-by-step, I'm using this Excel table, which doesn't contain any column with unique values (I'm assuming that your scenario has the same restriction):
The table is already tied to a Power App, as you can see from the __PowerAppsId__ column. The Power App is simply a gallery+form, where the selected record can be deleted by clicking in a button. In the "backend", the "Delete record" button triggers a flow, requiring only the properties title and due_date of the selected record:

Once the flow is triggered, we return all records from the table with a List rows present in a table action, and then filters its body/value property by title and due_at within a Filter array action, where they match to the data received from the Power App. Since we are using two filter conditions, we need to encapsulate them within an expression, which in my case is and(equals(item()['title'], triggerBody()?['text']), equals(item()['due_at'], triggerBody()?['text_1'])). From your end, you would need to replace the text in red by you actual column name, and the text in blue by the dynamic contents of your trigger properties. For the other two inputs of Filter array, I'm setting the dropdown as is equal to and simply typing true to the right-side input:

At this point, the Filter array action is returning only the records that match the provided criteria, which must ideally be only one, unless you want to delete more than one table row. Now we can add the Delete a row action. You can set the Key column as __PewrApsId__ (highlighted in red), and setting its value to an expression that references the __PowerAppsId__ property from the single record got after the Filter array step. You can use the expression body('Filter_array')[0]['__PowerAppsId__'] for it:
Now you are good to go. Refresh your flow in the Canvas App and let's test it from there:
After the click, the flow runs successfully:
And the record (hydro, due at Nov 30 2024) is no longer in the table:
Knowledge base
For further reading, I'm sharing a few contents that I produced about the topics discussed here, which can be helpful for you or for any other users that find this thread in the future.
Let me know if it works for you or if you need any additional help!
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