We have a monthly securty check employees have to submit through Forms in school's workshops. We use a quiz format so every non conforn point of inspection gets a score of 1 (So a score of 0 = 100% conformity - some inspection points are non applicable so I don't think I can use scoring the usual way because of that).
Anyway, using PowerAutomate I have created a flow sending an email of the summary to the designated supervisors depending of where is the workshop and what type of space it is.
Up to there I'm good.
I am trying to automaticaly include the final score of the "quiz" to the email but I am not quite sure how to add that information... The picture is in french but the second to last line would be where I would want the quiz score to appear (if that's possible. )
Clarification on how the scoring is used:
For each inspection point (question) there are 3 options. Used in a typical quiz, conform should be the "correct" answer but since I dont wan't the non applicable to count in the score as a non-conformity I use scoring the other way around. So instead of getting 100% correct score when the space is conformed, you aim to get a 0.
So a score of 1 out of 53 means one inspection point wasnt conforme with the occupational health and safety act.
I am now trying to include that final score (ex: 1/53) in an email to the respective supervisors or the workshops via PowerAutomate.