I'm having trouble with an Approval Flow in SPO. My guest user has edit access to the site and can access the site. I successfully created the Approval Flow (Request sign-off) but when I enter the email address in the Approver dialog, I get no results back.
Any idea what may be wrong here? Oddly enough, before guest Approvals was released to GA, I _was_ able to enter the guest user's email address in the dialog box -- of course, they couldn't actually get to the approval at that point.
Where can I get updates on the progress of the approval for guest users?? - it should be set to May 2019 from this link:
I can sent an approval to the guest user. He recieve it in inbox, but gets an Error 404 in the Flow environment (when selecting a box and hit submits).
Is it because the feature is not working or is it because (as you say) it will first be ready in September?? Where can I read more about it?
Im building a Flow, where I could get guest users as to approve along side internally users.
I thinking if I should build a working around until it works..... or if my environment is not working
The information that I have says that guest users for approvals hasn't yet been released and that it will likely be more towards September.
Yes, it has. We had discussed this with Microsoft in April and it had a May release date. In addition, this is in the April 2019 release notes. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/business-applications-release-notes/april19/microsoft-flow/support-guest-users-approvals. This page went from displaying preview to now no notes about preview.
Again, this is a rolled out feature but the people picker isn't working as expected.
I'll double check, but I don't believe that this feature has been rolled out as yet.
"The April ’19 release notes describe all new features releasing from April 2019 through September 2019 for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. Previews for some features will start in February 2019. "
That's no longer the case. Guest users can interact with Approval workflows.
To the best of my knowledge, you cannot have an external user as an approver in a Flow that uses the Approval action. The approver must be a licensed user in you tenant and not a guest user. You may want to consider using the Send Email with Options action rather than an approval.
From SharePoint, you select the item -> Flows -> Request sign-off. This dialog has a people picker. You do not take direct action in Flow at this point. The OOTB Approval Flow from SharePoint does not use the Outlook connector.
What do you mean by you get no results back? How are you trying to send the approval emails? The default method is with the Office 365 Outlook connector like so:
In this method, you'd simply add the user's email address in the To line. You could also use the Notifications, Gmail, or the Mail connector and put their address in the To lines within those connector's send email actions.
NOTE: Guest approval submittals are not currently support, but they are planned.
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