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Power Automate - General Discussion

Connector Power Platform For Admins - 'Get Environment As Admin' Change?

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Okay, we have multiple environments for our Power Automate solutions, so all of our flows use the Get Environment As Admin 'action' in the Power Platform for Admins connector.
In the Get Environment As Admin action we use the expression ||  workflow()['tags']['environmentName']  || and it returns the Environment object for the environment that the workflow is running in at runtime.
The Environment object has four different 'name' properties: Name, Display Name, Friendly Name and Unique Name.
Environment ID found in Power Platform Admin Center || 32 character (alpha-numeric) GUID ********-****-****-****-************
Friendly Name
Name that is seen in the Power Platform Admin Center (seen below here after Environments >
Display Name
The friendly name plus the URL prefix found in Power Platform Admin Center in parenthesis.  This is the value that shows up in the dropdown of the Environment field in the Get Environment As Admin action in the cloud flow editor.
Unique Name
a different 32 character (alpha-numeric) GUID.  Can't find it in Power Platform Admin Center. ********-****-****-****-************

Power Platform Environment Screen
Get Environment As Admin action

We have been using the 'Friendly Name' property of the environment throughout different action steps in the cloud flows, including passing it into every desktop flow that gets called.
This has worked great and without issue until last Friday when apparently something changed either with the Connector or with the Environment object.  I have confirmed no changes have been made to our environments.
The value that is now being returned for 'Friendly Name' is the same value that is returned for 'Display Name'.  So, for example, now instead of "RPA_Test1" it is returning "RPA_Test1 (org133oidf)".
Does anyone have any insight on this change?  This has impacted every one of our cloud and desktop flows and as a result I will have to go in and make changes to all of them.  Very annoying and tedious.

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