Hello everyone!
So I've got a problem with hardlink screen from PowerApps to power automate. When I send the link in mail to more than one person it works good only for the one who click first on it. Example1@gmail.com, Example2@gmail.com so, if user with email of Example1 opens this link it will perfectly get him to item that I want to, but when the Example2 opens the same link it takes him to the mail screen instead to the item screen. How to fix it?
Many of the solutions I've built send out emails with links to have users update and they work as excepted.
When sending an email to the user, to edit an existing item, you have to "tell" the app the ID of the item.
Here are the settings I add to the Power App to open it either in New mode, or Edit mode.
Power App - OnStart -
DefaultMode for Form -
If( IsBlank( ListItemID), FormMode.New, FormMode.Edit )
Form - Item
If(IsBlank( ListItemID ), Defaults( <<DataSourceName>> ), LookUp( <<DataSourceName>>, ID = Value ( ListItemID )))
Where you remove the <<DataSourceName>> and add your DataSource.
Now, when you use the variable for your email, the ID is being passed, so ListItemID is not blank, so the App switches to Edit view and brings the data back from SharePoint.
Well, I tried to make second flow that also send Link but on other mail. It did not work as well. It looks like you can only go to the item when it is "new". When it is already created and you want to edit it as second approver then I does not let you in that item from link.
I use the same solution. as on the screen you send. Sadly this link works only for the person who will click first. The second one is "Navigate" to the start screen even the link tells it should Navigate to item with specific ID.
Most times, in the email body, using the "Link to Item" works.. But we have seen some issues at times.
For some of our flows that send a link to the user to review an item, we have had to do the following: