Hello, I cannot use a date formula in a Data Operations - Compose action. I tried to use the formula convertTimeZone(triggerBody()?['ReservedUntil'],'UTC','Romance Standard Time','yyyy-MM-dd') but when I try the flow I am getting an error message like InvalidTemplate. Unable to process template language expressions in action.
I tried with a different trigger type (Sharepoint for example) and the same formula in a Data Operations - Compose works fine.
ReservedUntil is a field in a SharePoint list. I need the formula above because without the timezone conversion, I cannot make the date field equal to today's date.
Is anyone have any idea to circumvent this problem please? If you need more information to understand my problem, please tell me.
Hi @SalemB .
Unfortunately I am unable to translate the error.
Where I would start is expanding the successful run on:
If you post the JSON Output it may be the case the format of the date and time relating to "triggerBody()?['ReservedUntil']"
It may be that this needs formating before it can be converted.
Some useful links for you in the mean time:
I will get another look once you reply with the output and date format of ['ReservedUntil'].
Thanks, Alan
Hello Alan, thank you for your answer. I tried your proposal but it gives me the same kind of error message
Hi @SalemB , thank you for your post.
I tested your expression using utcNow() and it's working for me.
What may be helpful is to use the "Convert time zone" action.
Please see below:
If you have found my post helpful, please mark thumbs up.
Any other questions, just ask.
Thanks, Alan