Hello, I'm current working on a Flow that pulls data from Dataverse which is passed to PA, which is then pasted into a word template. Now, I haven't done the dataverse part yet as I'm still trying to figure the HTML part.
For example I have a column that has the following data:
<table border="0" width="230"><tbody><tr><td width="230">Data 1</td> </tr><tr><td>Data 2</td> </tr><tr><td>Data 3</td> </tr></tbody></table> |
Sometimes, the HTML has 2 columns but all of it are tables. I'm having some trouble trying to render it, since it's HTML code, not an array (so that I can use the Create HTML table action). I also tried HTML to text but then I wouldn't figure out how many columns/rows there are and where each row item ends. Is there any way to do this? I don't actually need borders or any design I just need it to look readable.
Data 1
Data 2
Data 3
Data 1 Data 2 partner
Data 2 Data 2 partner
Data 2 Data 2 partner
My plan is once I get that done, I can convert it into an image? and paste it to the word template? Is using
"$content-type": "image/png",
"$content": "thishtml"
on a Compose action going to work? Thank you!