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Download Multiple PDF files Spanning Multiple Pages save to folder

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Looking for guidance on how to download multiple PDF files from a  public web page.  The website is ''   On the right there is two check boxes, check box 566 needs to be unchecked and on the right Manufacturer ID needs to be added from the sample data provided, click search. On the next page I will have it show 100 entries.  The next section is where I'm having issues with the logic.  There is a list of pdf files in the table, clicking on the ORG Name column will open a window with the PDF.  I need to figure a way out to download all the PDF files listed and save them in a folder.   I need to to this for the list that is in the sample spreadsheet attached.  Some have more then 100 results and span multiple pages.  I had this automation when using UiPath and used a HTTP request activity, I was able to extract the URL's using data scraping and do a for each on each of the URL'S using HTTP Request, but not sure how to do that with Power Automate.  Any Help would be appreciated

  • Natron26 Profile Picture
    Natron26 on at
    Re: Download Multiple PDF files Spanning Multiple Pages save to folder

    Could you explain a step by step process for this?

  • Nived_Nambiar Profile Picture
    Nived_Nambiar 16,877 on at
    Re: Download Multiple PDF files Spanning Multiple Pages save to folder

    Hi @Natron26 


    Instead of extracting whole table at once, why you extract data columnwise in this case? So that this would helps to extract the url easily which may be associated with specific column 🙂


    Hope this helps !

    Thanks & Regards,

    Nived N 🚀

    LinkedIn: Nived N's LinkedIn
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  • Natron26 Profile Picture
    Natron26 on at
    Re: Download Multiple PDF files Spanning Multiple Pages save to folder

    How would I extract the Href values, I can extract the whole table but not all the Href's.  I'm trying to scrape the whole table along with the hrefs into a data table to iterate through.

  • Nived_Nambiar Profile Picture
    Nived_Nambiar 16,877 on at
    Re: Download Multiple PDF files Spanning Multiple Pages save to folder

    Hi @Natron26 


    You can extract the urls of each pdf using extract data from webpage action.



    And for http actions use invoke webservice action in PAD so that you can download the pdf file same way as you did in UiPath 🙂





    Thanks & Regards,

    Nived N 🚀

    LinkedIn: Nived N's LinkedIn
    YouTube: Nived N's YouTube Channel

    🔍 Found my answer helpful? Please consider marking it as the solution!
    Your appreciation keeps me motivated. Thank you! 🙌

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