I've created a custom connector by importing an OpenAPI Specification file. Is it possible to now add connection parameters to the connector?
Our product is single tenant, so each client will have their own host URL to execute the API calls against. I want to add a connection parameter that will allow the user to input their host URL, which will be used for every API call.
I've set up a policy template as described here. This example even shows that you can use a connection parameter for the policy, but I cannot figure out how to add one successfully.
I tried to manually edit the connectionParameters in apiProperties.json after downloading my connector files using the Microsoft Power Platform Connectors CLI. I was able to update my connector using the CLI with no issues, but when I configure a new connection, I am not asked for my new parameter. After configuring the connector, it's status is "Parameter value missing."
What am I missing here? Is this possible?
Hi! Did you solve the issue?
I'm not sure if it just took time to sync or what, but today when I went to make a new connection, I was asked for my connection parameter without making any further changes.
Though is it possible to add a connection parameter through the UI? It felt like I was jumping through hoops just to get to this point
It should work. How are you creating connection from test connector page for connections page? Can you please post your connection parameters (after removing all secerts form it). You can also refer to this : PowerPlatformConnectors/apiProperties.json at master · microsoft/PowerPlatformConnectors · GitHub
for example