I have posted previously but still stuck on this. Thank you in advance for your help.
Just to clarify for context, I am trying to add a row into the excel file depending on what tour the customer has been on based on their answer in the survey. For each tour there is an excel file which contains the tour code e.g BRT_BLRT Feedback - BBFLL50430. Each file has one table and I have named it TourResponses in every single file. In the customer survey there is a question 'what was your tour code?' An example is 'BBFLL50430'. Each tour and tour file has a code e.g BBFLL5 and the date 0430. The is questions in the survery for both so I don't know if we can also try and get the answers into the correct file in a different method based on the customer answers? We have 1000s of tour files, hence the need for automation.
For now, I've attempted to use filter array to retrieve the file from 'Get files (properties only)' where the File Name contains the 'tour code' response from the customer survey. I know there is room for customers to make spelling mistakes which is why I've created a condition that if the Tour Code answer is empty it will hopefully create an item in a list instead and I can manually find the tour code. I'm not sure if this is the correct way to set the condition. Ideally I'd like the condition to be if the customer spells the tour code wrong, it will create an item. But will get to that once I've managed to add a survey response to a row in the table for the correct file.
I've tested my flow with a survery where I have entered the correct Tour Code and it still has not added the row into a table with the responses . When I ask copilot it says 'The flow did not go through the apply to each because the filtered array was not empty, indicating that there were existing items that matched the criteria.'
Get files (properties only): The exact site address came up with an error when I copied the URl into Library Name so I put Limit Entries to Folder to get the exact file name, not sure if that is correct?

This is my filter array:


Get file content:
Add a row into a table:
Any help on this is much appreciated! Thanks so much!